Learn how to use uBlock origin browser ad-on to disable annoying "ad blocker detected" popup in some websites to access content without any distration
If you ever tried to read an article in Forbes (Forbes.com) or Wired or NewYorkTimes Or even the Times Of India (TOI) with an Ad-blocker enabled browser, you will be greeted immediately with a popup asking you to disable Adblock. Some of them even suggest a subscribe option for paid,ad-free reading service. Most of the common users will not subscribe and will just move on to the next site. Which means the ad blocking add-on you use is pretty much useless here. There are Anti-Adblock Killer tools but for sites like TOI, it simply will not work. But don’t worry, there is the solution.
uBlock is one of the best browser add-ons for blocking ads. It is very much similar to the popular add-ons like ABP and AdBlock, but in many terms, better, superior and efficient than any other. So using this addon you can read Forbes with Adblock (Or any other site) Follow the below procedure carefully.
U Block or µBlock - read Forbes, Wired, TOI with ad-blocker
uBlock is one of the best browser add-ons for blocking ads. It is very much similar to the popular add-ons like ABP and AdBlock, but in many terms, better, superior and efficient than any other. So using this addon you can read Forbes with Adblock (Or any other site) Follow the below procedure carefully.
Method1 : Using uBlock/uBlock Origin
- To begin with, clear all your browser cache and cookies. Hint: press ctrl+ all your browser cache and cookies. (Hint: press ctrl+shift+delete)
- Install u block from the below links.
- Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en
- Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin
- Opera: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/ublock/?display=en
- Install it and click on the icon which appears on add-on bar.
- Click on the gear icon (marked red in the below screenshot) to enter settings.
- From settings, go to 3rd-party filters tab.
- Now enable all options – starting from "Auto-update filter lists" to "Multipurpose (4)". If you visit websites of other languages, enable "Regions, Languages" option else leave it.
- Next click on 'update now', followed by "Purge All Caches" and then "Apply Changes."
- That's all. Now open your websites and you will no longer get a notification to disable Adblock. You can now read Times Of India without the trouble of ads.
- Advantages of uBlock
- UBlock has many advantages over other adblockers. It has less CPU and Memory utilization and less memory footprint on opened websites etc.
Method 2: Using anti-adblock-killer
Step 1: ScriptManager
Greasemonkey or Scriptish (Not supported/Addon has been discontinued)
Tampermonkey or Native (Not supported)
Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
Tampermonkey or NinjaKit
Note: You must restart your browser after installation to be able to install userscripts.
Tampermonkey or Native (Not supported)
Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey
Tampermonkey or NinjaKit
Note: You must restart your browser after installation to be able to install userscripts.
Step 2: FilterList
Subscribe from github.com
Subscribe from reeksite.com
Note: For uBlock Origin, you must enable AakList in Options -> 3rd-party-filters (refer Method 1)
Note: For uBlock Origin, you must enable AakList in Options -> 3rd-party-filters (refer Method 1)
Step 3: UserScript
Install from greasyfork.org
Install from openuserjs.org
Install from github.com
Install from reeksite.com
Use this website for testing
Install from github.com
Install from reeksite.com
Use this website for testing
A detailed comparison of uBlock and other add-ons can be found here. uBlock vs. ABP: efficiency compared Adding further to its advantages,uBlock has a feature to block "Large media elements" in web pages so that it makes the loading faster and also saves data. There are also options to block all popups and even prevent the site from loading remote fonts.
ReplyDeleteDoes not work on Last.FM.