How to Install Kali Nethunter on any Android Device
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How to Install Kali Nethunter on any Android Device

Tutorial for installing Kali NetHunter on any Android device. Porting Kali NetHunter to unsupported android devices tutorial for mobile pentesting.


You've undoubtedly heard about Kali Nethunter if you're interested in mobile security and penetration testing. A variety of strong tools and capabilities are available on this cutting-edge platform for testing mobile networks and devices. You may further enhance your testing by following the instructions in this post on how to install Kali Nethunter on any Android smartphone.

Installing Kali Nethunter On Any Android Devices

This tutorial will help you with installing Kali NetHunter on any android device. Before proceeding further, let me warn you that I am not responsible for what you do with your devices. Do everything at your own risk. It is recommended to try Kali NetHunter in any of the officially supported devices by Offensive Security. However, it is not compulsory because NetHunter has been ported to support a number of other devices. This guide for installing NetHunter in android devices is made assuming you have some basic understanding about rooting, custom recovery, unlocking the bootloader, soft brick, hard brick, flashing, custom ROMs etc. Please read the instructions very carefully. Read the previous post to know more about Kali NetHunter. Following are the prerequisites in general.


1) Rooted Device
2) TWRP custom Recovery Installed.
3) Device with Unlocked Bootloader (it will be locked by default)
4) Complete backup of the device to be on the safer side(taken with custom recovery)

Installing Kali NetHunter on Nexus or OnePlus devices

These devices are the best compatible with Kali NetHunter. Follow the below steps.
Downloading NetHunter: It can be downloaded from the Offensive Security NetHunter project page located at the following URL:

Unlock the bootloader of the android device

Unlock Bootloader Of Android
Image:  HowToGeek
 To root android phones and flash custom ROMs, unlocking its bootloader is necessary for most of the devices. Some devices come with unlockable bootloader while others are not. However, most of the devices are unlockable either by official methods or via some unofficial ways. Unlocking bootloader results in data loss, so make sure you backup anything that is important. You can follow this tutorial for unlocking the bootloader of your device. How to unlock bootloader

Install TWRP recovery

Install TWRP Recovery Android
Image: XDA Forums
TWRP stands for 'Team Win Recovery Project' is an open-source custom recovery for Android. It allows you to install third-party firmware and backup the current system, which is often unsupported by stock recovery images. Follow this guide to install TWRP on your device. How to Install TWRP in any Device

Flashing NetHunter Zip

Flashing NetHunter ROM

Now, this is the last step. Flashing means loading a different version of Android onto your device. Flash the NetHunter zip file downloaded previously and reboot. For more information on flashing, refer the link. Android Flashing Guide

Or here is a detailed tutorial for that.

Installing NetHunter in other devices.

Here is the list of devices supported officially If your device is on this list, you are lucky. Click the respective links for the detailed instructions in XDA forums.


This tutorial offers comprehensive instructions for setting up Kali Nethunter on any Android smartphone, enabling users to easily do mobile penetration testing. Rooting the device, setting up the required tools, and customizing the network settings are all steps in the procedure. The article also highlights certain Kali Nethunter capabilities that make it a useful tool for security experts and fans alike, such as its capacity for wireless auditing and spying.

If you want Kali NetHunter installation instructions for any other devices please leave a comment 


  1. I need to install kali nethunter on my samsung galaxy J7 lolipop.. plz help me..

    Reply Delete
    1. Hi, Nethunter is not yet available for Samsung Galaxy J7. You can either use an app called 'Linux Deploy' to run Kali Linux in J7(or any other phone) or goto XDA forums and ask someone to port it to your device.

      Reply Delete
  2. Replies
    1. I will soon add new instructions to make it run in all android devices. For the time being you can use an app called 'linux Deploy' to run Kali Linux on your device since it is rooted.

      Reply Delete
  3. Any word on porting it for lg stylus

    Reply Delete
  4. How about zenfone 5 t00f on cyanogenmod 13.1?

    Reply Delete
  5. please how to run kali nethunter on J700h please need help please

    Reply Delete
  6. i want to run it in redmi note 4g ....?

    Reply Delete
  7. Can i install nethunter on galaxy tab GT-P1000 which is rooted and have CWM recovery.

    Reply Delete
  8. i want to install it on asus zenfone 5 16gb t00j

    Reply Delete
  9. i want to install it on zenfone 5 t00j

    Reply Delete
  10. is it available for Samsung Galaxy s3 i9300

    thanks in advance

    Reply Delete
  11. Hi ! How to install Kali Nethunter on my Sony Z3 tablet compact SGP621 please ! Kali Nethunter is Not avaliable for my device.please help. Thanks a lot !

    Reply Delete
  12. I have updated a few more devices like Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy s4, Samsung Galaxy S7/ S7 Edge etc. For other devices wait for a new post in which I will cover a few generic methods for all devices.

    Reply Delete
  13. Hello Everyone, I have made a new post about how to install NetHunter in any android device-Universal guide for all android devices. Check it out here -

    Reply Delete
  14. Hello my phone is yu yureka s.kali nethuter isworks on it.and hOw to install in my phone

    Reply Delete


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Hack Cave | Hacks unveiled: How to Install Kali Nethunter on any Android Device
How to Install Kali Nethunter on any Android Device
Tutorial for installing Kali NetHunter on any Android device. Porting Kali NetHunter to unsupported android devices tutorial for mobile pentesting.
Hack Cave | Hacks unveiled
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